My Weekend In Brief

Saturday, I attended an Event thrown by one of Austin’s favorite hiders, Bigguy In Texas.  Unfortunately, the inspiration for it was not as joyous as we might have liked.  An older couple of cachers (I don’t know them very well; I only met them once) are leaving our secret life because of health problems.  Consequently, the Event was devoted to parceling out their collected containers and craft supplies to the community for making new hides.  It worked out as a twofer because a different couple of local cachers (our own Tygress and Waterweasel) brought more containers and craft supplies because they’re packing for a move, leaving Texas for Oregon!  I am sad to see them go, but it means I’ll have a place to crash when I eventually go to Astoria!  Alright, that last bit wasn’t a real issue since I have friends in Portland, but still…  I ended up getting a handful of containers, stickers, stencils, and a couple of old-school decon containers, which I’ve always wanted from a hiding perspective. 

After the Event, Bigguy, GeoPatriarch29, his daughter, and I popped over to a different area to do a little cache maintenance.  It’s an odd cache and location.  I had attempted to find it years ago, but it was up in a tree that was too high for me to climb (my younger daughter wasn’t there), and I owned neither ladder nor pole.  It has since been replaced several times by multiple different containers.  The previous one had been a good old five-gallon bucket, but the last few finders had reported it emptied of everything, including the log.  Bigguy wanted to change it out anyway, so I pulled out my ladder and GeoPatriarch climbed up and put up a new birdhouse for the next cacher to find. 

Sunday, I began working on a cache I’d been planning for a bit.  I’d been holding off because I hadn’t found a good place to put it, but I stumbled upon the perfect place last week.  I went to grab an ammo can out of my trunk to prepare, only to realize I didn’t have one there!  I had forgotten that I had given them to other cachers who were lacking cans for their own hides, so I went out and did something I had never done before: I bought an ammo can from a local army surplus store.  I had thought to ask if anyone I knew had one sitting around, but I realized that I had been given a lot of ammo cans over the years, and the least I could do was stimulate the local economy and buy one.  I spray-painted it Sunday morning and then took a little drive while the paint dried down to San Marcos.  I was only getting out of my regular stomping grounds for a cache (I almost went to Houston, but I didn’t feel like making the drive), but imagine my surprise when I found an FTF that had only been placed the day before!  I’ll take it!

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